Johnathon Strube

b. 1982

I am a multi-disciplinary graphic designer, educator, and researcher. My practice centers socially-minded work, humanities-centered research, and aims to elevate humanity through visual communication.

As a designer, I am a generalist creating mission-driven work. I create tangible messages as advocacy, activism, documentation, education, experiential frameworks, storytelling, visual narrative, or visual rhetoric.

As an educator, I guide learners to develop a creative process that emphasizes intellectual empathy, humanities-centered research, conceptual integrity, aesthetic courage, and human-centered results.

As a researcher, I investigate personal agency and design’s ability to affect social and cultural systems. I develop pedagogical methods to produce engaged citizens, ethical practices, and actionable results.

Get In Touch
© Johnathon Strube, 1982–2024 Email
© Johnathon Strube, 1982–2024 Email